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Specialized Training in the Production and Publication of National Accounts

In continuation of the training held in Tripoli during October and November involving many economic-related institutions, and based on the great importance of national accounts in making informed and data-based economic decisions, capacity-building training in the production and publication of national accounts has been held in Tunis during 16-19 December 2024.

Dr. Nouri Al-Shater, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Planning; Mr. Mohamed Al-Aswad, Deputy Program Director at Expertise France; and the trainees nominated by the Ministry of Planning, the Central Bank of Libya, the Bureau of Statistics and Census, and the Planning Institute attended and participated in this training.

This training is part of the E-nable project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France to support a sustainable and resilient Libyan economy.

The training, which a group of experts led, covers a wide range of important topics, starting with the general principles of national accounts and the close relationship between them and economic analysis. It then moves on to balances of goods and services, income generation and distribution processes, and calculating economic aggregates.