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Strengthening Libya’s Financial Sector: Successful Training and Workshops

The E-nable project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France, has continued its efforts to support the development of Libya’s financial sector and enhance the “access to finance” environment through two recent workshops held in Tunis.

From July 22 to 25, a training session on the supervision of electronic banking operations was held in collaboration with the Central Bank of Libya. This training aimed to enhance the capabilities of the banking sector’s functional cadres, contributing to improved access to financing and overall economic support.

On June 24th and 25th, a two-day workshop was organized to equip a Central Bank of Libya team with the skills necessary to review and assess applications for establishing financial leasing companies. The workshop focused on the requirements that applicants must meet to establish such companies successfully.

Both initiatives are part of the E-nable project’s broader goal of improving the business environment and supporting a diversified and flexible Libyan economy. These efforts demonstrate the project’s commitment to strengthening the financial sector and fostering sustainable economic growth in Libya.