A New Training Boosts Policy-Making Through Economic Modeling
A new six-week training program, “Fundamentals of Economic Modeling and Policy Design,” kicks off in Tripoli on April 23rd, 2024. This program equips participants with the theoretical underpinnings of economic modeling and hands-on experience in building, using, and applying these models to policy analysis.
This training course is supervised by Dr. Aman Al-Ramali, an economic modeling expert with more than 20 years of teaching experience at the University of Tripoli. Specialized employees from several relevant ministries and sectors participate in the course in order to build Libyan capabilities in the field of economic modeling and provide policy and decision makers with valuable data and information about the proposed inputs, results and expected returns from the plans, policies, laws and decisions that are being implemented.
This training is part of the activities of the E-nable project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France, in order to support the diversification and digitization of the Libyan economy.