Libyan Economic Partners Join Expertise France’s Team to Attend the “e-governance Conference” on a Study Tour to Estonia
As part of the EU-funded E-NABLE project, Expertise France organized a 5-day study tour in France and the Republic of Estonia in the presence of Mr. Abdelbaset El-Baour, President of the General Information Authority, and Mr. Mohamed Sowaid from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Mr. Raouf Al-Bibas, a national digital expert. Also, from Expertise France, Mr. Julien Schmitt, Director of programs, Mr. Mohamed Al-Aswad, Deputy Team Leader, and Ms. Essia Enard, Chief of the Component, were among the participants.
The participants met several e-governance experts at the headquarters of Expertise France in Paris. Following that, they attended the “e-governance conference” ( organized from May 10 to 13 in Tallinn, the Estonian capital. The aim of this tour was to share experiences, exchange best practices related to e-governance and learn more about how to build a successful national digital strategy from the Estonian experience, where Estonia’s use of modern information and communication technologies in the public sector and governance has placed the country at the forefront of states that are aiming to modernize their public sector and provide transparent governance.